Tuesday, July 28, 2020


It is the first and the foremost language a child learns. 
India is a diverse country and it is abode of a lot of cultures and with culture comes different languages. The number of languages being spoken in India are astonishing, every state has their own language and sometimes language  change with the change in cities within a state. 
Also, with the change in technology and everything "english" has been adapted as the major language which is considered to be the common language for communication worldwide!
Here, in India it is the second prominent language after Hindi.
But, the fact that people are so mad over the foreign language is disheartening, we are a country of "n" number of languages and yet the people choose to acknowledge and judge other people on the basis of one single language which in turn isn't even our mother tongue? 
I feel people degrade and devalue others just because a person isn't fluent in "English" language?
We have to understand that if we can't appreciate our own native language then how can we even expect the other person( who is not native of this land) to respect it? 
We as citizens of India first should atleast try to recognise the value of our own mother tongue and give it it's due respect because no matter how much you guys lament or curse me after reading this, that " oh my god! How can you even say this? Or oh my god! This isn't the case we equally respect both the languages!" But deep down we all know we are more inclined towards learning the other one(English). 
Also, do not poke the person or laugh at someone who isnt able to speak fluent English or is bad in English pronunciation because FOR GOD'S SAKE it isn't our MOTHER TONGUE!!!! 

Thank you for being a patient reader!!